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Our Streak Continues 
This Election Day was all about extending winning streaks for Indiana Republicans. Of course, after an election is when the real work of governing begins. That’s why it was an honor this week to chair caucuses for our supermajorities in the Indiana House and Senate. In a year when many observers were predicting we would lose seats in the statehouse, we added a net of four seats in the House and held our supermajority in the Senate.

In the House Todd Huston was reelected Speaker and in the Senate, Rod Bray will again serve as President Pro Tem.

While it was relatively quiet in Indiana, there is much going on across the country. President Trump and his team continue to look at each state’s election results to ensure that they are accurate and only comprised of legally cast ballots. As a member of the RNC, I know that his team will have the resources needed to complete this process.

And in Georgia, the two Republican Senate candidates and their teams are preparing for runoff races. There is information below on how you can help. These two races will decide the control of the critical US Senate. Please help if you can!
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Thank you, Veterans

Governor Holcomb and First Lady Janet Holcomb joined Hoosiers in thanking our veterans this past week on Veterans Day. Thank you to all who served!

We Need Your Help in Georgia
Hoosiers won the home game, easily. Now we need a road win.

If Democrats get control of the Senate, with Nancy Pelosi already caving to the demands of the socialist Squad in the House, we'll see a radical, leftwing agenda like never before. Packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the Electoral College, The Green New Deal, statehood for Washington DC, defunding the police, and all the other leftwing wish list items will be one step closer to happening.

This is where you come in. Can you volunteer a weekend or two for Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler between now and the runoff on January 5?

Hoosiers willing to deploy to Georgia and volunteer by making calls and knocking on doors to save our country should fill out the link below.


Expenses such as flights, hotels, and meals will be covered for trips a weekend or longer. The runoff is January 5th, so you can go anytime from now until then.

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb announces judicial appointments for the Marion County Superior Courts
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch congratulates inmates who completed drug treatment program
Senator Todd Young supports the Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act
Senator Mike Braun believes questions regarding presidential votes should be investigated
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski honors and thanks veterans for their service
Congressman Jim Banks supports the Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign
Congressman Jim Baird speaks at the bridge dedication ceremony for Staff Sgt. Jamie Jarboe
Congresswoman Susan Brooks 
receives 116th Congress Friend of Farm Bureau Award
Congressman Greg Pence tours the Atterbury Bakalar Air Museum with Veterans in Columbus
Congressman Larry Bucshon wishes Happy Birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth introduces legislation to support veteran-owned businesses

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