
Because of fired-up supporters like you, Democrats were able to push Jon Ossoff’s critical race in Georgia into a runoff election. But his race and the fight for Senate control is far from over.

The efforts of thousands of grassroots Democrats have helped send a powerful message to the country: Georgians are ready to champion the fight to flip the Senate and get our country back on track.

But the GOP has already poured MILLIONS of right-wing dollars into ads attacking Jon—and to make things worse, Lindsey Graham just pledged a million dollars to Republican Senator David Perdue, Jon’s opponent.

What we do right now over the next few weeks will decide Senate control, so we need to get to work immediately: Will you give $5 or more right now to help Jon Ossoff win in Georgia and take back the Senate for Democrats?

This is going to be a tough race, John. And with Senate control on the line, Mitch McConnell and his powerful GOP super PACs will do and spend everything they can to maintain his control over the Senate.

Despite that, we know that Jon has what it takes to win. Georgia Democrats just elected Joe Biden, and if we help Jon with the resources he needs to turn out a record number of voters again, we can win there again.

Please click this link and rush a donation right now to support Jon Ossoff.


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