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Dear friend,

My name is Tim, I’m one of the team at Jubilee Debt Campaign fighting hard to make sure unjust debts are cancelled.  

This week I took our campaign straight to the heart of government and presented to a committee of MPs.  

This would never have been possible without the huge amount of noise we’ve made together over the last few months calling for debt cancellation so developing countries can fight Covid-19.  

We know that the UK can do much, much more, especially at a time when countries are having to make decisions between healthcare for their people, or debt payments. 

We know it, and now Parliament knows it too. 

Thanks to over 860,000 of us globally signing petitions, taking action and speaking with parliamentarians, we’ve had a real impact – a suspension of some debt payments for countries struggling with the impact of Covid-19.  

But we need to keep pushing for long term solutions. This month world leaders are again meeting to discuss debt and could agree the first steps in finding a permanent solution to the crisis.  

Watch a video of me speaking to Parliament

Over the next few months, we’ll be keeping up the pressure for debt cancellation. With you on our side, we know it’s possible. 

We hope you are all keeping safe and doing OK in this tumultuous time. 

All our best 

Tim, and the JDC team. 

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