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Arizona Rep Kelly Townsend: 36,473 AZ voters did not prove citizenship
For National Release : Friday, Nov 13, 2020
After revealing on Twitter that 14,099 voters in Maricopa County, AZ alone did not prove citizenship, state Rep. Kelly Townsend has now revealed that 36,473 registered voters in Arizona did not prove citizenship as required by state law in a state where Trump is losing by around 12k votes! activists are now working to circulate the chart above with the county breakdowns to bloggers, media, lawmakers, and activists coast to coast!
This data reinforces White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller's claim that 14% of non-citizens, including illegal aliens, are illegally registered to vote in America.
These findings are consistent with the Just Facts study, which documents large numbers of non-citizens voting illegally for Democrats by margins of 4 to 1 in swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and North Carolina.
Rep. Kelly Townsend's reports and updates have been added to ALIPAC's now 63 documented examples proving non-citizens are illegally voting for Democrats in large numbers in US elections due to a lack of safeguards and absence of citizenship verification for voter registrations.
The Las Vegas Review Journal's 2012 documented warning about trade unions manipulating and threatening non-citizens into illegally registering and voting for Democrats has fallen on deaf ears in the American media.
Democrats are within reach of permanently seizing power over all three branches of the US Government due to wide-scale elections manipulation using illegal non-citizen voters while 99% of American lawmakers and media remain ignorant and silent on the elephant in the room.