Dear John:
It’s common sense: Gig workers like Uber and Lyft drivers need to be able to take time off when they get sick -- all the time, but especially in a pandemic!
Here are just a few of the messages we’ve received from Citizen Co-Sponsors so far:
As a front-line healthcare worker, I support my fellow New Yorkers who put themselves in harm’s way to do their job. I couldn’t have gotten to work without my Lyft drivers these past few months to do my essential work.
- Simone H., Brooklyn
These essential workers are putting their health and safety at risk so that others can stay well. I support every measure that values their well-being and allows them to do their jobs without undue stress or risk to their health and safety.
- Chia-Yin, Ridgewood
As a senior citizen, I really want to have healthy drivers for Lyft and Uber. Paid leave can help.
- Nancy T., Brooklyn
Shifting risk onto so-called independent contractors has gone too far for too long. As a business owner, I support protecting our workers from corporate interests that are not concerned about the security of our hard-working fellow members of the community.
- Edward R., Manhattan
As a gig worker, I feel like I don't have a choice to take off when I'm sick. In nearly 30 years of working, I've taken 4.5 sick days… When I sprained my ankle, I wrapped it up in ace bandages, put on some snug work boots, and stood on it all day for weeks. I still have issues with that one.
- Jane H., Brooklyn
We need people to stay home when they are sick so as not to spread diseases like COVID. Paid sick time is critical; people shouldn't have to risk the public's health because they can not afford to stay home.
- Laura G., Manhattan
Big corporations like Uber and Lyft spent $200 million to overturn labor protections in California, and their lobbyists have been hard at work preventing us from passing a comprehensive Essential Workers Bill of Rights.
To win this fight for gig workers, we HAVE to be louder than the lobbyists! Add your name in support of paid sick leave protections for app drivers, Instacart shoppers, nail-salon workers, day-laborers, and all the other gig workers who continue to put themselves in danger to make ends meet →
COVID-19 cases are rising, and we’re in the middle of flu season. It couldn’t be more important to make sure that people are able to stay home when they need to -- to get better and to keep everyone else healthy.
Thank you so much,
-- Team Lander
Lander for NYC
456 5th Avenue
Third Floor
Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
United States
[email protected]
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