November 13, 2020
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Election integrity
Jerry Newcombe
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Timothy Buchanan
The Democrats? coup 3.0
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Neil Brian Goldberg

November 13, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

November 13, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

November 12, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? A judge in Pennsylvania has ruled in favor of the Trump campaign after concluding that ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day that were segregated should not be counted. The judge also determined that Kathy Boockvar, the Pennsylvania secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked the "statutory authority" to change election law days before the election.... (more)

November 12, 2020
10 million illegal votes!
CLIFF KINCAID ? J.B. Williams of the North American Law Center discusses evidence of massive fraud in Pennsylvania, including dead people voting through mail-in ballots. Co-author of the book "Trumped: The New American Revolution," he predicted in an August 6 column that mail-in voting schemes were ripe for fraud.... (more)

November 12, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Jim Jordan: When you just blanket out live ballots, just throw them out there, that is a recipe for mischief, a recipe for problems. And frankly, we did a report on this back in the summer from the Judiciary Committee and the Oversight Committee, predicting all this stuff was going to happen – that there's going to be chaos and confusion – which I believe was exactly what the Democrats wanted.... (more)

November 12, 2020
YOUTUBE ? This isn't about uniting behind Biden. This is about whether or not he won the presidency – and having a proper process before he can remove the existing president from office and run around declaring himself the president. That is grotesque. That's Third World. That's totalitarian.... (more)

November 12, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? On Monday, the campaign to re-elect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.... (more)

November 11, 2020
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, announced a full recount and audit this morning
LIFESITENEWS ? Georgia's Secretary of State has announced that there will be a "hand recount" of the ballots in the Peach State. With 99% of polls reporting, President Donald Trump has 49.2% of the state's votes, while Joe Biden has 49.5%. Fewer than 15,000 votes separate the two candidates. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the hand recount this morning at a press conference.... (more)

November 11, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? On Wednesday, the Washington Post ran a story claiming that the whistleblower in Erie, Penn., Richard Hopkins, who claimed to have witnessed election fraud, recanted his allegation. But Hopkins released a video of himself through Project Veritas demanding the news organizations retract that claim and saying he never did any such thing.... (more)

November 11, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? President-elect Joe Biden – I don't think so, I just don't think so. It doesn't look right, it doesn't sound right, it doesn't feel right, and it's not right. He is not the president-elect. That has not happened. The media are calling him that, but constitutionally, nothing has happened.... (more)

November 11, 2020
640 AM SOUTH FLORIDA ? RealClearPolitics (RCP) live results feed withdrew Joe Biden's president-elect status Monday night after stripping him of Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes. RCP reversed Biden's win in Pennsylvania on their live feed, bringing him back down below the 270 threshold to 259 electoral votes. Although, in some confusion, Real Clear Politics never called Pennsylvania to begin with, in the Presidential race. Either way, RCP does not have Pennsylvania in Biden's win column.... (more)

November 10, 2020
Democrats filed lawsuits, loosened laws, pushed for mail-in ballots
LIFESITENEWS ? Under the pretense of coronavirus hysteria, Democrats implemented a national, orchestrated push to loosen accountability in the voting process, which they have now evidently exploited with massive voter fraud enabling even their ability to flip a lopsided presidential election.... (more)

November 10, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? America's Survival TV host, Cliff Kincaid, talks with attorney David G. Evans, an eyewitness to election fraud that occurred in Detroit, Michigan. Evans discussed the evidence, the court cases, and how President Trump can win this election in the end.... (more)

November 9, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? "The 'journalists' of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming 'President-elect Biden.' This is make-believe." Writer Chris Farrell Shortly before the November 3rd election for President of the United States, the proprietors of storefronts, buildings, restaurants, dealerships, and businesses of all types across our entire vast country boarded up their facades in anticipation of widespread rioting, arson, looting, massive destruction, and violent assaults by Republicans if Joe Biden won the contest.... (more)

November 9, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? America sanctions communists in foreign countries who steal elections. Here, communists commit the fraud and expect to occupy the White House. The Biden-Harris movement should be considered an army of occupation. President Trump, with more legal votes on election day, should remain in office. Trump has said that he won, and he's right. We have to protect the president from this coup.... (more)

November 9, 2020
Trump can still win the Presidency—here's how:

November 9, 2020
There is room for great doubt about the integrity of this election
CONRAD BLACK ? Despite an almost superhuman mass effort to pretend that the Trump era has been unceremoniously renounced and condemned, the election verdict on the evening of November 8 remains unclear. As was widely foreseen, there are serious problems with the invocation of the coronavirus as an excuse for plunging into a system of mail-in voting in which unsolicited ballots were sent to everyone on the voters' register, assuring a huge number of physical ballots floating about un-received by voters who have moved or died, or unused by voters who have chosen to vote in advance polls or in person.... (more)

November 9, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? Rudy Giuliani says the Trump campaign has evidence that may change the results of the presidential electoral map. In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business, Giuliani said as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in Pennsylvania, and that the Trump campaign will reveal this evidence in court. Bartiromo asked Giuliani if the Trump campaign believes it has enough evidence that it could alter the apparent results of the election.... (more)

November 9, 2020
EPOCH TIMES ? Former Republican President George W. Bush on Nov. 8 said that President Donald Trump has the "right to request recounts and pursue legal challenges" for "any unresolved issues" to "be properly adjudicated." "The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear," Bush said.... (more)

November 8, 2020
'I cannot overstate how important to the country those two seats are'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday predicted a "socialist abyss" if Democrats win two runoff elections in Georgia that will determine which party controls the Senate. "If you want to check on Joe Biden, if you don't want to go over the edge to the socialist abyss, Georgia is the big enchilada," the Texas Republican said in an interview on Fox News's "Sunday Morning Futures."... (more)

November 8, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Despite the fake news reports, Joe Biden has not yet been certified as president. The official certification of results has to take place in every state. Legislatures can reject the Biden "victory" on the basis of fraud. It's "President-elect Joe Biden," says NBC's Lester Holt, even though Biden has not been certified under the Constitution as the winner. All of this is based on a questionable "projection." It's non-stop propaganda that somehow doesn't get flagged by Twitter or YouTube as dubious.... (more)

November 8, 2020
President promises further legal challenges, including in Pennsylvania
JOHN SOLOMON ? President Trump refused Saturday to concede the election after major news media declared Joe Biden the winner, saying there are too many unresolved issues and votes to still be counted. "Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media," he declared, "We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to be exposed," Trump said in a statement less than an hour after news outlets like The Associated Press, CNN, Fox News and others projected Biden had won Pennsylvania and thus the right to become America's 46th president in January.... (more)

November 8, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Saturday that not a single Republican poll watcher was granted meaningful access to vote counting in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and vowed to fight in court to have those "uninspected votes" thrown out. "Not a single Republican got to view a single ballot," Giuliani said at a press conference in Philly.... (more)

November 7, 2020
DAILY SIGNAL ? Tom Ranieri is a lawyer who volunteered as a representative of President Donald Trump's reelection campaign in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, working at an Election Day hotline. He was there from Oct. 30 to Nov. 3 and joins "The Daily Signal Podcast" to share what he observed.... (more)

November 7, 2020
THE GATEWAY PUNDIT ? A so-called computer 'glitch' fix in one of Michigan's counties has led to 6,000 votes switching from Trump to Joe Biden. The head of the Michigan Republican Party has asked for an additional 47 counties be recounted after the fix since these 47 counties also use the same Dominion software.... (more)

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