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The Conservative Party has been using personal data in a way that spots an individual's likely county of origin, ethnic origin and religion based on their first and last name.
Ian Collins of Talk Radio interviews former Jehovah's Witness elder Lloyd Evans about the story of a 15-year-old Jehovah's Witness in the UK who the High Court has said must have a blood transfusion despite religious objections.
The pupil had previously said after a minute's silence for French school teacher Samuel Paty that 'you're allowed to kill someone who insults the Prophet, that's OK'.
The European Union's executive Commission launched its first strategy to protect the rights of LGBT people on Thursday, a challenge to right-wing governments in Poland and Hungary that have become increasingly homophobic in the past year.
Turkey has taken offense at a US statement that said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would promote religious freedom during an upcoming visit to Istanbul and has called on Washington to focus on racism and hate crimes in the United States instead.
The rapper sparked backlash after appearing on the Footwear News November cover to promote her upcoming collaboration with Reebok holding a sneaker, and imitating the Hindu goddess Durga.
The chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has been urged by an international alliance of parliamentarians to accept a complaint alleging genocide by China against its Uighur Muslim minority.
Banished from her homeland with a bounty on her head, author Taslima Nasreen has been forced to live in exile for more than a quarter of a century - but she refuses to bow to the religious fundamentalists that want her dead.
A ruling on abortion in Poland has again highlighted the government's damagingly close relationship with the Catholic Church. But many Poles are now questioning the church's power, says Aleksandra Myslek.
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