I think this is the final vote count in my race. I am disappointed by the results. The influence of big money in national politics has led to the destruction of our atmosphere, the polluting of our waters, the proliferation of homelessness, the flourishing of the private prison industry and a lack of support for simple, common sense policies that save lives. Locally, it's no different. Shady organizations like the Farm Bureau, and it's wealthy members, spread their money throughout our county, leading to policies which are deforesting our valley, increasing pollution and traffic, increasing homelessness and taking away our freedoms.
We MUST overcome the money of groups like the Farm Bureau and pass local laws restricting campaign donations or we will continue to be at the behest of wealthy winery owners from Saint Helena and Rutherford, who are essentially outside agitators that have an outsized amount of control over our city and our Board of Supervisors, which has not only allowed deforestation to continue but allowed an increased amount of pesticides and fungicides to flow into our waterways, due to the measures between vineyards and waterways being intentionally blurred.
It is well worth noting that our local newspaper, the Napa Register, has consistently failed to accurately cover the pay-to-play favors being exchanged by our local government, consistently failed to deal critically with most local officials on most topics. The Napa Register supports the corrupt status quo even in their endorsement process, stating plainly and publicly that they almost always endorse the incumbent. They even endorsed Supervisor Alfredo Pedroza, who has taken more money from winery owners than anyone else and has actively worked to protect developers from environmental legislation.
In this failure to deal critically with local elected officials, the Register has failed in it's duty to provide the truth, which cannot be ascertained by taking paid liars at their word. There is a reason that these favors, which are often quite obvious, are not common knowledge, and why it is so difficult to vote these people out, and that is because the Napa Register covers them up by refusing to cover them, or refusing to cover them fairly.

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Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018 · 100 Via Belagio · American Canyon, Ca 94503 · USA

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