Hi Friend,

This election, Californians voted to APPROVE Proposition 22 (“Prop 22”), a ballot initiative that would exempt Uber, Lyft, Postmates, and other ride sharing and delivery providers from having to reclassify their drivers as employees.

The approval of Proposition 22 sends a clear signal from the electorate to the legislature: Workers want flexibility and freedom, not command and control.

You may be asking: Why should this matter to me? 

In this time of uncertainty and instability, policymakers should be looking for ways to make it easier for Americans to find work and have flexibility in how, where, and for whom they work.

Many Americans are turning to gig work, such as delivering meals or groceries, to make ends meet. California’s stifling law, AB5, sought to reclassify these independent workers as employees, which threatened the continuance of these services and the economic security of the workers who provide them.

So Prop 22 was put on the ballot to stop this from happening. This spared these gig economy workers from being classified as employees, which would have limited their ability to choose when, where, how often, and for whom they work, which is the basis of the gig economy.
Sign the Petition: Fight for Worker Flexibility and Freedom
However, Prop 22 only applies to gig economy workers. Many more independent contractors need to be released from the grip of AB5 and the threat of other state and federal AB5-copycat laws (like the “PRO Act” proposed in Congress). 

>>> Joe Biden urged Californians to vote against Prop 22… and endorsed the PRO Act. <<<

Friend, we must keep fighting for worker freedom and flexibility.

America was built on an ideal of freedom. Freedom to live, freedom to choose, and freedom to work. 

AB5 threatens this freedom by punishing creative ways to earn a living. It was done under the false pretense of protecting “workers’ rights,” but it really just stifled opportunities, choices, freedom, and flexibility. It was completely unnecessary… and needlessly burdensome for businesses and workers.

That’s why we need to speak up now to protect American workers.

Sign the petition protecting independent contractors’ flexibility and freedom today.


Patrice Onwuka
P.S. For more information on Prop 22, click here and here. For more information on AB5, click here. And to read stories about independent contractors affected by these bad policies like AB5, click here.