From RPT Events <[email protected]>
Subject Stop the Steal Rallies
Date November 12, 2020 11:31 PM
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Support the President and #StopTheSteal!

This past Monday, November 9th, we made our voices heard at the Dallas County
Elections Department! We must keep showing up and getting our voices heard
until real change happens.


The Republican Party of Texas needs everyone to continue in this fight to


Please place the following #StopTheSteal protests on your calendar and invite
your friends and fellow patriots to attend with you:

Saturday, November 14, 2020: 2:00pm, Dallas City Hall Plaza at the fountain -
1500 Marilla Street, Dallas Texas 75204 (More details at the dedicatedFacebook
event page <[link removed]>)

Monday, November 16, 2020: 12:30pm, Commissioner JJ Koch District Office
located at the corner of Interstate 635 Service Road and Hillcrest Road

Monday, November 23, 2020: 11:30am, Dallas County Commissioners court building
located at 411 Elm Street, 2nd Floor, Dallas, Texas 75202


Continue to monitor the event calendar below, as new events are being added!
If you know of one not listed, ask the event coordinator to add itHERE
<[link removed]>.

Bring your #StopTheSteal signs to each of these events. Let's show strength in
numbers! Remember,WE ARE THE STORM!


View the RPT Event Calendar <[link removed]>

Republican Party of Texas



For additional updates, text STORM2020 to 484848

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