Breaking News from Tea Party Pac


Politico's Trump-Turnberry "Scandal" Busted Wide Open...Totally Fake News!!...


Fellow Patriot,

The official beginning of the presidential election is just ONE WEEK AWAY. And we've set a MAJOR fundraising goal to kick off the cycle.

But, our Tea Party Super PAC strategy team just pointed out to me that your name is still missing among our list of loyal patriot donors.

We are 89% of the way to meeting our goal...but we're just hours away from our deadline.

So I'm opening up a small window for 4X IMPACT on ALL DONATIONS to help ensure we cross the line before midnight tonight.

Will you chip in right now and help us hit this critical milestone?

President Trump is ramping up his campaign ahead of Labor Day, and he's counting on you and me to pull our weight. And your part in the strategy is critical. Chip in NOW!

All gifts made before 12AM TONIGHT get 4X IMPACT!


Outstanding goal: $173,487


Progress: 89%

4X IMPACT window closing soon...



 DONATE $35 

 DONATE $50 

 DONATE $100 

 DONATE $250 


Your donation before MIDNIGHT gets 4X IMPACT to help us reach this critical goal.

With the backing of patriots like you, we're building an army of conservatives to blast an unmistakable message to American voters: WE'RE READY TO KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

Join our fellow Tea Party patriots as we defend President Trump and bolster conservative control of the Senate. Time is running out... get 4X IMPACT right now!


Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party Super PAC


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From the founding of the Tea Party in 1773 a growing movement of conservative Americans echo the call for smaller government and lower taxes. This is our banner and our calling as well.

Paid for by the Tea Party PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Tea Party Political Action Committee is registered with the Federal Election Commission as an independent-expenditure only committee ID C00692129 also known as a Super PAC and is protected political speech exempt under CAN-SPAM Protocols

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Tampa, FL 33606

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