Help fund our coverage of the runoff elections for U.S. Senate

Send Our Reporter to Georgia!

Help fund our on-the-ground coverage leading up to the two U.S. Senate runoff elections on January 5, 2021

As Sen. Elizabeth Warren has noted, President-elect Biden "ran on the most progressive economic and racial justice platform of any general election nominee ever."

Yet the promise of such a platform is at the mercy of Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority. Only a power shift there will enable the Democrats' most transformative policy ideas to even come to the floor. So all eyes are on the Georgia runoff elections.

The Prospect is committed to pursuing the stories around these elections, examining the Democratic gains amid historical turnout, understanding the nuances in the divided electorate, and sharing an informed picture beyond standard media narratives. What will actually drive the turnout for the contests on January 5th?

Your donation will fund the Prospect's independent mission to bring you the real stories from Georgia, in a series that will put you in touch with the people, communities, organizations and grassroots groups in search of what really matters.

Top donors will receive a range of exclusive benefits that may include:
  • First-look alerts and access to our coverage
  • A chance to chat with our writers and editors about the series
  • Special recognition in our capstone piece in our January-February print magazine

Thank you,
The American Prospect

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