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Hamid: "To achieve genuine immigration reform, the federal government needs to enforce the law to stop illegal border crossings and to hold criminal employers who hire illegal aliens accountable."

Over the summer, President Trump issued a proclamation suspending a number of guest worker visas for the remainder of 2020. The H-1B, the H-2B, the J-1, and the L-1 foreign worker programs loosen labor markets to the detriment of workers and often represent a missed opportunity for a citizen to get a job because of the ready availability of cheaper foreign-born labor.

In his op-ed "Restricting Immigration Makes Americans Richer, Not Poorer," Shakil Hamid writes how enforcing existing laws as well as bringing common sense reforms to the table would benefit the tens of millions of Americans looking for work:

"...The laws are already on the books. What's lacking is political will. Congress also needs to finally follow the recommendations made by the Jordan Commission in 1996 and reduce annual admissions of legal permanent residents.

These are common sense reforms that would benefit the American people, as well as allow newly arriving immigrants the opportunity to more easily assimilate, both economically and culturally.

America's economy is slowly recovering from COVID-19 -- but the unemployment rate remains above seven percent. Importing more foreign workers would boost GDP, but only at the cost of tens of millions of Americans' financial wellbeing. President Trump was right to suspend guest-worker visas. Whoever the next President is, he should keep in mind that 'growth' is not[sic] substitute for an economy in which the average American has the chance to prosper."

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