Is President Trump orchestrating a coup? The experts say ‘maybe.’
In the United States of America we do not stand idly by while the President ‘might be orchestrating a coup.’
As lifelong Republican Bill Kristol said earlier this week, “Alarmism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Complacency in the defense of democracy is no virtue.”
To be clear, the chances of the President succeeding are low. Overwhelming evidence proves that our elections are secure. Most of the media, and the public narrative, is with President-elect Joe Biden.
But if President Trump is successful, it would be the death of democracy, the birth of a dictatorship.
The actions of the President and many Republicans around him — with notable exceptions — undermine our elections and threaten our freedom. They trample on our Constitution and the democracy thousands of American have died for. We say this as fierce nonpartisans. We would do the same if Democrats were behaving this way.
Yes, we support recounts where required. Yes, we support investigations into credible allegations of election fraud. Yes, we remember that the ballots in question are the same ballots that delivered Senate, House, and down-ballot victories for the same GOP that is now questioning their integrity.
No, we will not stand by while partisan politicians put party over country, and muse about throwing away millions of votes, ignoring the will of the people, and rejecting democracy to select a President themselves.
Disinformation about voter fraud is rampant on social media – sowing doubts in the validity of our election, undermining our democracy, and playing into the President’s hand. We need to stop it at the source.
So here’s what we’re going to do, together: We’re fighting disinformation on social media, and we need your help:
- Our new “Mythbusters Squad” is dedicated to debunking misleading posts with facts and eye-catching graphics that set the record straight.
Will you sign up for our Mythbusting kick-off call and training tonight, Thursday, November 12th at 7pm ET to get involved?
- Then, start mythbusting right now by sharing our latest video: conservative validators reinforcing that there is no widespread voter fraud.
Your sacred right to vote, and have your vote count, is the most fundamental of American rights. And when that right is threatened, it’s up to us to speak up. All of us.
2020 has been nothing if not chaotic, but we can not let the endless chaos wear us down. We are the United States of America. Our democracy is what Ronald Reagan called ”That Shining City on a Hill for the rest of the world.” If we do not protect what has been handed down to us, it will not be there for our children.
Please remain vigilant and continue to pay close attention. I’ll be in touch with more soon.
Joshua Graham Lynn Co-Founder RepresentUs
P.S. If necessary, we are preparing to ramp up our campaign to protect the results of the election. Will you pitch in a few bucks to make sure we’re prepared on a moment’s notice? |