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Science for the People
Dear Science for the People,

We’re happy to announce the official launch of our 501c3 fundraising and fiscal sponsorship organization: the People’s Science Network. (

We incorporated the PSN in the winter of 2018 to support the development of SftP magazine and the organizing efforts of SftP. Since then, the SftP Steering Committee and the Publications Committee worked to establish a fiscal vehicle to support initiatives across SftP. After these discussions, a subset of people from these committees began putting together the forms and materials to apply for 501c3 status to the IRS. We submitted all the paperwork to the IRS in late September. On November 6, the IRS informed us that our application had been accepted and that PSN is now able to operate as a recognized tax-exempt non-profit organization. We are super excited about this development, as we hope it will enable SftP and its magazine to grow into more robust operations. Of course, there will be new challenges and a learning curve for all of us, but we hope you will support us on this journey. 

There are a couple of ways you can support:
  • Make a tax-deductible donation to the PSN by writing a check and mailing it to:
People's Science Network
PO Box 3817
Knoxville, TN 37927
  • Donate via PayPal: [email protected]
  • Consider sitting on our Board of Directors or Advisory Council. 
    • Board members take on responsibilities and obligations that support the work of PSN and are entitled to vote on proceedings. 
    • Advisory Council members support the work of the PSN by providing knowledge, contacts, and experience in our meetings
We’re still figuring out next steps, this good news came much sooner than we anticipated. But, we are planning to organize a briefing and fundraising meeting in early 2021 for all SftP affiliates to learn about using the c3 to advance your organizing and to help us raise funds to support our efforts.

Below, you will find some frequently asked questions and answers about the PSN. We hope you will celebrate this accomplishment with us and consider supporting the PSN with a financial contribution.

Thanks and solidarity, 
The People’s Science Network Board of Directors

Ben Allen - President
Andrew Butts - Co-secretary
Ashley Theissen - Co-secretary

What is the People’s Science Network (PSN)?
The People’s Science Network is a 501c3 nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Tennessee. 

From PSN Bylaws:
“The Peoples Science Network works to promote the use of science to improve people’s lives and care for the environment. The organization supports research, communications, and networking activities to serve these ends.
The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:
  1. to promote and encourage scientists whose research contributes to the health and development of communities or the stewardship of the environment
  2. to publish a magazine and other communications efforts that illustrate these scientific activities
  3. to maintain networking activities that bring scientists and community members together at events and in online spaces”
What is the relationship of PSN to the Science for the People?
PSN primarily acts as a fundraising and fiscal sponsorship body for SftP the organization and the magazine. As a 501c3, PSN is able to apply for certain grants and receive tax-deductible donations to this end. PSN compiles accounting information from across the entities it sponsors, and maintains the nonprofit status and good legal standing for itself.

Why have a separate 501c3?
  • Allows the organization and the magazine to act autonomously and independent of the stated purposes of PSN.
  • Enables all entities with financial needs across SftP to independently represent their own interests (via board membership or advisory role), raise funds and support their organizing, while tending to collective interests.
  • Limits liability to assets across SftP. 
  • Allows for growth and self-organization of efforts across and beyond SftP.

Who sits on the Board?
The board is composed of at least three and no more than ten people. In the first year, board members will come from volunteers in the organization and the magazine. After the first year, all entities with financial relationships to PSN will elect representatives to act as board members. Officers are selected from the board members.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the board members?
Board members are elected to serve for one year, with up to two additional consecutive terms. The PSN board meets quarterly. A majority of board members are required for business to take place. Each member of the board must attend at least half of the meetings per year. The duties are to act as a good faith representative of your work and to support any tasks that come up.

What are the officer roles?
Tennessee state law requires there to be at minimum a President and a Secretary. The President organizes meetings, compiles internal and external reporting, and generally supports the duties of PSN. The Secretary compiles meeting minutes and acts as the point of contact for PSN. The PSN board can create and elect additional officer roles as needed.

What is the Advisory Council?
The Advisory Council is anyone who seeks to advise the Board, but does not serve as a member of the board and is not an officer of SftP. Advisory Council members are approved by the Board. Advisory Council members might be general SftP members or people whose advice we are seeking.

Is anyone compensated on the PSN Board?
Currently, no. It is possible in the future that the Board might authorize for someone’s compensation. However, that person is not allowed to vote on matters of their own compensation.
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