After nearly 150 million ballots were cast and after 100s of hardworking elections officials carefully counted the votes, we now have a President- and Vice President-Elect who will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.





After nearly 150 million ballots were cast and after 100s of hardworking elections officials carefully counted the votes, we now have a President- and Vice President-Elect who will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

I thank the state and county officials across the country who worked tirelessly to ensure that every vote was counted.

Over the last four years, we have seen a considerable rise in rhetoric and policy actions at the federal level that have led to some deep divisions within our country. However, elections always remind us that we are all Americans and that we each must participate in the democratic process to ensure opportunities for our voices to be heard. Further, we look to our leaders, at all levels of government to bridge divides and to bring about a critical and necessary national healing.

As I listened to the words of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris on Saturday night, I was so moved by the thoughts shared by both the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect.

As she introduced our next president, Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris shared a message of gratitude for the women of color who’ve organized their communities for generations:

“So, I’m thinking about [my grandmother] and about the generations of women — Black Women. Asian, White, Latina, and Native American women throughout our nation’s history who have paved the way for this moment tonight.

Women who fought and sacrificed so much for equality, liberty, and justice for all, including the Black women, who are too often overlooked, but so often prove that they are the backbone of our democracy.

All the women who worked to secure and protect the right to vote for over a century: 100 years ago with the 19th Amendment, 55 years ago with the Voting Rights Act, and now, in 2020, with a new generation of women in our country who cast their ballots and continued the fight for their fundamental right to vote and be heard.

Tonight, I reflect on their struggle, their determination and the strength of their vision — to see what can be unburdened by what has been — I stand on their shoulders.”

And as our President-Elect took the stage, he stated,

“I pledge to be a President who seeks not to divide, but to unify. Who doesn’t see red and blue states, but a United States. And who will work with all my heart to win the confidence of the whole people. For that is what America is about: The people. And that is what our Administration will be about. I sought this office to restore the soul of America. To rebuild the backbone of the nation — the middle class. To make America respected around the world again and to unite us here at home.”

I join millions of Americans in congratulating President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris on their truly historic victories. The smooth transition of power, from one President to another, is a remarkable testament to American democracy, and it is an iconic emblem of the principles of government that other countries often seek to emulate.

The end of Special Session
The General Assembly concluded Special Session on Monday, November 9, and the Virginia Senate gaveled out “Sine Die” in the early evening. The final votes on the biennium budget were cast on Monday, and while the amended budget reflects the realities of the pandemic and its impact on the Commonwealth, we were able to restore critical funding in significant areas, including areas of public education, higher education, health, rent and mortgage relief, and funding for localities. Federal funding, combined with state resources, are being directed to assist localities and the communities they serve so that we can weather this crisis together.

The General Assembly will convene for its 2021 Session on January 13. Next week, we will share updates on several items of legislation that I have been working on for the upcoming session.

Town Halls
I hope that you will be able to join me for the Welcome to our Table Town Hall event next week via zoom. We will be joined by women leaders who share immigrant backgrounds and who work in different areas in advocacy, nonprofit, and government.

During the event, we will celebrate the immigration experience in America and what it means to “build our own table” in spaces that may have never invited us to the table.

Our panel will discuss several topics highlighting what it means to be an immigrant woman of color in our respective fields. We will also share some family recipes unique to our own individual Thanksgiving experiences.

Your invitation is attached below, and I hope you will join us next Thursday.

Closing thoughts
Thank you again for making your voice heard by casting a ballot this year. We have made history and delivered a mandate for bridging the divide and bringing unity to our nation.

As always, if you need assistance, or if you want to schedule a Zoom or phone call with our team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office. Email is the best way to contact us. We can be reached at [email protected].

-- Ghazala Hashmi







Paid for and authorized by Friends of Ghazala Hashmi

Friends of Ghazala Hashmi
PO Box 72923
Richmond VA 23235 United States

Senator Ghazala Hashmi was elected to represent Virginia Senate District 10 in 2019. She has led efforts in the General Assembly to support education, protect healthcare and the environment, and prevent gun violence. Senator Hashmi is committed to ensuring Virginia's government works for everyone.


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