Hello friend,

VICTORY! The results are in: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to the White House! This victory wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of volunteers across this country, who devoted their free time on Saturdays, between classes, and after work to ensure Trump was a one-term president. 

At NILC’s Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF), we are proud to be a part of that movement with our grassroots volunteer program, the IJF Vote Team. Volunteers answered our call to action and texted voters in Arizona, Wisconsin, and North Carolina—three critical states in the top six Presidential battlegrounds. In fact, in each of our targeted states, the margin is less than the number of voters we contacted, meaning every text we sent truly made a difference in this election.

Now, let’s take a look at all the work the IJF Vote Team was able to accomplish:

  • Our team of volunteers grew from 0 to 874 volunteers in just under a month. 
  • We texted 144,294 voters at nine different text banks, engaging in important persuasion conversations with voters. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. 
  • On November 2, over 223 people devoted their time to Get Out the Vote, ensuring 77,271 voters had a plan to vote on Election Day. 

In these crucial battleground states, IJF reached out to independent women and persuadable Latinx voters with a unifying and pro-immigrant vision. First, these voters saw 12 digital ads shown oversaw 11 million times using our winning strategy. Then, volunteers on the IJF Vote Team texted the voters using poll-tested messages that ultimately helped secure victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It’s clear friend: proactive, pro-immigrant messaging helps win elections.

This win took each and every one of us. We are so grateful for everyone who devoted 20 minutes or 20 hours to fight for a better, more inclusive vision for this countryone that includes immigrants.

And we’re not done yet. In fact, we’re just getting started. We are committed to working with the Biden administration as we begin the work of healing the nation and undoing the damage caused by the Trump administration’s four years of relentless attacks and harmful policies. We will continue to build a community of supporters who will fight for immigrant inclusion in this country, and the last thing we will ask of you is to join us

In order to guarantee everyone in our country can thrive, we need you to be a part of this movement. Can you chip in $22 to ensure the fight for immigrant justice continues?

We couldn’t have made it this far without you. No matter what it takeslet’s continue in the fight for immigrant familiestogether.


All the best,

Archana on behalf of the entire NILC Immigrant Justice Fund Team


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