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Dear John,

In the circle of life, your caring heart prevails.

Time and again, it is your kindness and generosity that allows the American Fondouk to be there for the sick and injured working animals of Fez — for their whole lives. Your heart is here with us!

Because you care deeply about the Fondouk mission, you’re among the first to hear the great news. Your tax-deductible gift to the Fondouk WILL NOW BE DOUBLED!

That’s right! Thanks to the $50,000 Challenge Match Fund I’ve set up, any gift you send before December 31, 2020, will be matched — dollar-for-dollar — up to $50,000.

I can promise you this. Any amount you send will go twice as far to provide lifetime care for the working horses, donkeys, and mules of Morocco. Whether the circle of life closes with the humane euthanasia of a faithful animal. Or the circle of life begins again with life-saving surgery for an equid with many years to live and give. Your gift matters.

Thank you for doing all you can to help us rescue and restore every possible animal.

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Sig

Bob Coleman

President, Board of Directors

American Fondouk

P.S. REMEMBER: Your tax-deductible gift WILL BE DOUBLED. But act fast — our $50,000 Challenge Match ends 12/31/20. Please be as generous as possible!

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