Ignoring FBI domestic surveillance abuses, especially when the targets are those who have worn the uniform to defend the Constitution, is an unacceptable dereliction of congressional oversight by the House and Senate.
Polls show that votes for the Libertarian presidential candidate would have been split if there had been only two candidates, so Jo Jorgensen did not “spoil” the election for either Biden or Trump.
Biden’s trade policy is likely to be a component of a broader geopolitical strategy. Trade agreements, refraining from protectionism, and abiding by the rules of international trade are still in the cards, as long as they align with the objectives of national security and technological preeminence, and domestic politics permit.
The announcement of an agreement to end the recent bloody strife between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the status of Nagorno‐Karabakh, the ethnic Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan, should be greeted with cautious relief.