In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
Holyrood's justice committee has taken evidence on the draft hate crime bill from a panel of organisations, including the NSS. NSS spokesperson for Scotland Neil Barber is quoted.
The government intends to push ahead with a new secondary faith school in Soham despite opposition from Cambridgeshire County Council and existing schools.
Dorset Police has awarded more than £1,000 in costs to a Christian charity leader, after a police officer used "reasonable force" to halt his preaching during the first Covid-19 lockdown.
Lawmakers in Finland have removed language against non-medical circumcision of boys from a bill on female genital mutilation – following a push by Jews in the country and the UK groups.
The proposals include the ability to keep individuals convicted of terror offences behind bars for life, electronic surveillance of people convicted of terror-related offenses upon release and criminalizing religiously motivated political extremism.
Several parents pleaded with a Quebec Superior Court judge on Monday to uphold the province's religious symbols ban in order to shield their children from being exposed to the hijab, which they believe conveys a "pernicious" sexist message.
In this episode, Emma Park is joined by the NSS's Stephen Evans to discuss the 2020 Bradlaugh Lecture and the case for disestablishing the Church of England.
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