The world awaits post-Trump shifts * French groups defy terror and Islamophobia * Who took down Golden Dawn?


The world awaits post-Trump shifts * French groups defy terror and Islamophobia * Who took down Golden Dawn?

Protesting Golden Dawn in Greece: “Never again fascism.” Credit, AP


  1. Mexico/US: Cross-Border Culture of Solidarity
  2. Post-Trump Prospects For US/China Relations
  3. Palestinian Rights in the Era of Normalization
  4. French Groups’ Statement on the Samuel Paty Murder
  5. Who Took Down Golden Dawn?
  6. Khateera: Women Are Dangerous
  7. South African Workers Aren’t Feeling the Government’s Budget
  8. Venezuelans Debate the Anti-Blockade Law
  9. Fred Engels: O.G.

Mexico/US: Cross-Border Culture of Solidarity

David Bacon / Foreign Policy in Focus (Washington)

Workers in Mexico and the United States face some of the same challenges–and some of the same employers.

Post-Trump Prospects For US/China Relations

Global Times (Beijing)

Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin (People's) University of China jointly held a Webinar with the No Cold War campaign and Tricontinental Institute for Social Research themed “The Future of China-US Relations.”

Palestinian Rights in the Era of Normalization

Jeff Halper / Mondoweiss (New York)

Trump’s normalization deals have fundamentally altered the political landscape. But Palestinians and their allies can still use grassroots power to strategically counter this new reality.

French Groups’ Statement on the Samuel Paty Murder

The Left Berlin

A translation of the French Declaration of the Brigade against Negrophobia, Representative Council of Black Organizations, The Voice of Roma, and French Jewish Union for Peace.

Who Took Down Golden Dawn?

Antonis A. Ellinas / Le Monde diplomatique (Paris)

At a time when Golden Dawn tried to dominate in the streets, dozens of small but well-organised groups — from teacher unions to human rights advocacy networks — put aside their differences and pooled resources to organise thousands of neighbourhood demonstrations, protests and meetings against it.

Khateera: Women Are Dangerous

Marta Vidal / Middle East Eye (London)

A new feminist initiative founded in March called Khateera (the name in Arabic being the feminine derivative of the word “dangerous”) presents itself as a platform for every woman who “takes her place in this world without asking for permission”.

South African Workers Aren’t Feeling the Government’s Budget

Siya Mama and Khokhoma Motsi / Daily Maverick (Johannesburg)

The finance minister is transferring the cost of the economic crisis on to the working class and the poor. However, these communities vow to continue fighting to be heard.

Venezuelans Debate the Anti-Blockade Law

Federico Fuentes / Green Left (Sydney)

Maduro proposed the new anti-blockade law, arguing it is essential to helping circumvent the sanctions. But some sectors believe it represents an important departure from the socialist policies of his predecessor, Hugo Chávez.

Fred Engels: O.G.

Tristram Hunt / The Guardian (London)

Engels brilliantly revealed how urban planning and regeneration were arenas for class conflict. 



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