Big Pharma is spending millions to preserve our broken health care system. And, sadly, they’re getting a big return on their investments.
While 70% of people in the United States — including 85% of Democrats — support Medicare for All, Democratic leaders in the House refuse to hold a hearing in the Energy & Commerce committee, and there are still some key Democrats who are even refusing to cosponsor.
If we don’t fight back now, there’s a real chance we can lose this battle.
Thankfully, while Big Pharma has their money, we have you. And, together, we can be bigger and stronger than them. Our people power can defeat their corporate power, but only if we all join together in this fight.
Your input will really help us.
The more we hear from supporters like you, the better we can understand each and every member of our growing movement. And your input helps inform our organizing as we fight to fix this broken health care system.
You have a voice, and your voice can make a difference — but only if you use it.
Thank you for speaking up. Your perspective will make our movement even stronger.
In solidarity,
Nurses' Campaign to Win Medicare for All