Dear John,
We have good news to report: the Boundary Waters won on November 3rd!
The results of the 2020 elections are clear - Minnesotans and Americans across the nation value the Boundary Waters; they rejected politicians who wish to harm it by pushing sulfide-ore copper mining proposals in the headwaters of our beloved Wilderness.
We look forward to working with Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Smith to protect America’s most visited Wilderness for generations to come. A solid first step would be to join with Minnesota’s Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives by introducing Rep. Betty McCollum’s Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act in the U.S. Senate.
Let’s use this momentum to protect the Boundary Waters. Take action today by calling Senator Smith at (202) 224-5641 and ask her to introduce Representative Betty McCollum’s Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act in the U.S. Senate.
Sample Script:
Hi, I’m calling today because as Minnesota’s Senator, I want Senator Smith to introduce Rep. McCollum’s bill H.R.5598 in the Senate to protect the Boundary Waters forever. The Boundary Waters needs to be protected for all generations to come. Again, please introduce H.R. 5598 in the Senate during this lame duck session.
After you call Senator Smith please make a gift to double your dollars for the Boundary Waters. It’s almost Give to the Max Day, and we’re happy to announce that our most loyal supporters have provided a $75,000 challenge match! Early giving has started - make a gift today.
For the Wilderness,
Tom Landwehr
Executive Director
Save the Boundary Waters
P.S. Early giving has started for Give to the Max Day - make a gift today to double your dollars for the Boundary Waters.

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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States