It’s happening, and it’s going to be huge! Sign up to show the world you’re joining the Global Climate Strike, check out the map with hundreds of events and join your nearest strike!

Hi John,

This Friday, and in the week to follow, we’re going to make history. Are you going to be there? Or, years down the road, will you tell your grandkids that you stayed home while millions of other people marched for climate justice?

Climate strikes are now planned across 6 continents, in 120 countries. Hundreds of companies and organisations are joining the strikes, together with the members of over 65 trade unions. Among the 4000 events there’s likely to be one happening near you.

Sign up to show your support to the climate strikes now: let’s show the world, and each other, that we are many, that we have the power, and that we’re not backing down!

These moments don’t come around often. Right now, politicians and fossil fuel billionaires are feeling the heat unlike ever before. More and more of us are saying they we’re fed up with business as usual, where governments and corporations see life as disposable, putting profit before planet. It’s time to take our outrage and our hope for a better world to the streets. 

John, sign up right now to see the Climate Strikes closest to where you live on our megamap, and RSVP that you’ll be there! 

Whether it’s hope or grief, rage or love that drives you - show up and strike with us, even if just for a few minutes. It’s going to take all of us being ready to disrupt our daily routines for things to change. We can do it - together.

See you on the streets,

Julia, Daniel and Matilda for the 350 Europe team

PS. Unsure if you're able to join a strike? There are many other ways you can show your support. Check out this blog showing ten different ways you can contribute to the strikes. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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