Dear John,
A clean and healthy environment starts with a fair and representative democracy that allows Wisconsin voters to select their representatives to office, rather than representatives selecting their voters.
Make your voice heard! Sign up to attend a virtual hearing on fair maps.
For too long, Wisconsin has been suffering under one of the country’s most egregious gerrymanders. The maps approved a decade ago were designed to disenfranchise voters, and the most recent election is more explicit proof that one party, the GOP, created a built-in advantage to win them the majority of seats in our legislature. Redistricting should not favor either political party.
To help ensure we have a nonpartisan, people-centered process for redrawing those maps, which is required by law, Gov. Tony Evers announced the formation of the People’s Maps Commission. The process is designed to take feedback from you – and all people living in Wisconsin – about how to conduct this important process.
As part of that effort, the commission is holding virtual public hearings in every congressional district over the course of the next few months. The next virtual public hearing, which will focus on the 3rd Congressional District, is scheduled from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 19.
Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing must register in advance by visiting the People’s Maps Commission website by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17. Sign up now.
Each person will have three minutes to speak. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis with priority to residents of Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District.
Take action now and register to speak.
Thank you for being a conservation voter,

Jennifer Giegerich
Government Affairs Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voter