Breaking News from Tea Party Pac


Dems Plan to Impeach Justice Kavanaugh


Fellow patriot,

We knew this was coming...

The radical Left is still raging over the defeat they suffered at the hands of President Trump and the GOP Senate with the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

And they simply CANNOT let it go!

So it comes as no surprise that the liberal New York Times just issued an alleged 'bombshell' report about Kavanaugh and an incident in college.

It's time to come to Kavanaugh's defense AGAIN!

And now the NYT story has ALL the Democrat presidential candidates calling for the House to impeach him!

We MUST stop the left from undermining President Trump's court appointments...


Stop the Left's Unconstitutional Attack

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Here's Uber-leftist presidential wannabe Julian Castro calling for Kavanaugh's head:

"What's become clear is that he should be impeached. The House has the ability to impeach him. The question is what the Senate would do. I want to know at this point why did the FBI not follow up on all of these leads they have. They didn't lift a finger to in rest investigate it."

Castro was joined by a gaggle of his fellow presidential wannabes in calling for Kavanaugh's impeachment.

But - yet again - the left is ignoring three crucial facts:

1. There is ZERO evidence that Christine Blasey Ford's claim of assault was true.
2. Ford's lawyer admitted that part of her motivation was to put an 'asterisk' by his name.
3. The NYT's 'bombshell' omitted a key detail: the woman in the story "can't remember" any incident.

In other words, the Left simply cannot accept defeat graciously...

And they'll stop at nothing to make Trump pay by taking out Kavanaugh.

Nancy Pelosi and her leftist goons in the House are already prepping plans for impeachment of Kavanaugh, and it's up to us to blast them before they launch.

Are you with us?!

Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party Super PAC


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