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We won big this year… but our work is not yet over. In fact, control of the United States Senate hangs in the balance and you can help preserve our Republican majority in the upper chamber.

It all comes down to Georgia where BOTH Republican-held US Senate Seats are heading to a runoff in January and Indiana’s Senior Senator, Todd Young, is leading the charge to keep Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the Senate.

Senator Young has turned on the “bat signal,” calling all able Hoosier Republicans to volunteer in the Peach State to lock up victories. This is something Hoosier Republicans know a lot about! The fact is, election 2020 isn’t over. President Trump is fighting to ensure every legally cast ballot is counted, and we support his efforts. In Indiana, we delivered huge wins for President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Governor Eric Holcomb, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, Rep-elect Victoria Spartz, and Attorney General-elect Todd Rokita. We expanded our supermajority in the House and held out supermajority in the Senate.

We won the home game, easily. Now we need a road win.

Because if Democrats get control of the Senate, with Nancy Pelosi already caving to the demands of the socialist Squad in the House, a radical, leftwing agenda the likes of which we’ve never seen. Packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the Electoral College, The Green New Deal, statehood for Washington DC, defunding the police, and all the other leftwing wish list items will be one step closer to happening.

This is where you come in. Can you volunteer a weekend or two for Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler between now and the runoff on January 5?

Hoosiers willing to deploy to Georgia and volunteer by making calls and knocking on doors to save our country should fill out the below link:

Expenses such as flights, hotel, and meals will be covered for trips a weekend or longer. The runoff is January 5th, so you can go anytime from now until then.

Let’s show Georgia how we do things in Indiana and get a win on the road!

Thank you,

Kyle Hupfer


Click Here to Volunteer and Preserve Our Senate Majority
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