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Homan: "E-Verify is the best tool to curb illegal employment."

As Election Day has come and gone, there are still many issues involving immigration that need to be addressed. Less than half of U.S. states make E-Verify mandatory for any segment of employers. Expanding the system remains imperative especially as the unemployment rate languishes above pre-COVID-19 levels. The 1986 promise to end illegal hiring continues to be unfulfilled.

In his op-ed "To stop illegal immigration, crack down on illegal employment," Tom Homan, former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, writes about how E-Verify needs to be required for all employers:

"By law, the I-9 form must be filled out by every employee; it requires documented proof of identity and work eligibility. The problem is, E-Verify is still optional for most businesses. It is mandatory for citizens and businesses to file taxes, so why don't we require businesses to make sure their employees have the legal right to work here?

This program would save tens of millions of dollars annually in enforcement operations by making it much more difficult to use fake identities. E-Verify is the best tool available, and currently prevents a significant amount of unauthorized employment. The system is not perfect and can be improved to fix the few loopholes that exist."

Requiring the use of E-Verify nationally will curb illegal immigration while creating jobs and raising wages.

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