Statement from U.S. Senate Candidate Eddie Mauro Call on Secretary Acosta to Resign

On July 9th, I called on Senator Joni Ernst to join me in calling on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign. Senator Ernst failed to show the leadership that Iowans and the Country deserve. Today Alexander Acosta resigned while Senator Ernst stood silent, once again.


July 9, 2019

Daniel McElhatton
[email protected]

In light of the indictment of Jeffery Epstein on sex trafficking charges Eddie Mauro, Democratic running to challenge Joni Ernst in the November 2020 race for US Senate, calls on Trump Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta to resign or be released of his leadership of DOL.

DES MOINES--Today, Eddie Mauro is calling for Secretary of Labor Acosta to resign or be fired by President Trump. Mauro is also demanding that Joni Ernst explain her vote to confirm Acosta as Secretary of Labor despite clear evidence during his 2017 confirmation hearing that Acosta demonstrated terrible judgment when he served as US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida and gave Jeffery Epstein a sweetheart deal despite the opposition of his lawyers who prepared a lengthy indictment against Epstein for sexual abuse of minors.

Mauro stated, “Cases like this are reprehensible. It was clear in 2008 just as it is today - Epstein is a sexual predator who should have felt the full weight of the Department of Justice. Instead, Acosta re-victimized the victims of Epstein’s abuse and rather than suffer consequences for his shameful behavior Acosta was rewarded years later with Trump nominating him to serve a Secretary of Labor.”

Mauro continued,  “And Joni Ernst also has some serious explaining to do. She knew full well the cloud Acosta was under, and yet Ernst still voted to confirm him despite the fact she both knew of his 2008 granting of leniency to Epstein and that as Secretary of Labor, Acosta has a responsibility overseeing possible sex trafficking cases. I would expect now that Joni will join me in demanding Acosta’s resignation. She really has no other option.”


P.O. Box 21099, Des Moines, IA 50321

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