Blue Waves, Red Wavelets

The partisan margin in all of Virginia's most populous localities even those carried by President Trump shifted in favor of Democrat Joe Biden compared to results in the 2016 presidential election.

This Virginia map shows 'red waves' in more than three dozen rural counties, but their collective vote total was no match for the urban and suburban areas that trended blue. The size of the circles indicates the number of votes cast. The color of the circles indicates whether the partisan split shifted toward Democrats (blue) or Republicans (red).

VPAP's analysis found that Pittsylvania County (34,277 votes cast) was the largest locality where the partisan gap moved in Trump's favor.

The Electoral Heft of Virginia's Largest Localities

Six localities accounted for nearly half of the votes cast in Tuesday's presidential election.

This "tree map" illustrates the collective clout of Fairfax County, Virginia Beach and the counties of Loudoun, Prince William, Henrico and Chesterfield all of which were carried by Democrat Joe Biden.
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