Proposals for individual papers, complete paper sessions or symposia, and interactive workshops are encouraged. Papers should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from the group's discussion. Preference will be given to recent papers that have not been presented at major conferences. All topics related to Austrian economics, broadly conceived, and related social science disciplines and business disciplines such as management, strategy, and entrepreneurship are appropriate for the conference.
Proposals from junior faculty and PhD students are especially encouraged. Abstracts should be limited to 750 words. All proposals are peer reviewed by the AERC Program Committee. Submit your proposal to [email protected] by January 15, 2021. Proposals after the deadline will be considered as space permits.
The Kenneth Garschina Graduate Student Prize of $1,500 will be awarded to the best graduate student paper of the conference (winner must be present). Applicants should submit a CV, a robust abstract of approximately 500 words, and a completed academic research paper of 8,000 words or less (not a dissertation chapter). Submissions should be from current graduate students. Submissions should be sent to [email protected] by January 15, 2021.
All decisions will be communicated by January 29.
Student scholarships are available. Please help us spread the word by sharing on social media!
For more information or to register, go to