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Dear Subscriber, 

This year taught us that life is unpredictable. Even with our new President-elect Joe Biden, it's still uncertain if current social, economical and health issues will be handled efficiently or properly under his administration. 

Despite all these uncertainties, you can rely on us. City Limits remains committed to elevate the voices of marginalized communities in the city and hold people in power accountable for as long as we can. It's what we've been doing since 1976, and you play a key role in helping us continue our commitment. 

Support City Limits any time between now and the end of the year and NewsMatch will match your new monthly donation 12x or double your one-time gift, all up to $5,000. Will you help us continue our commitment?
Yes, I will!
With gratitude, 

Greis Torres
Development Manager 
City Limits 

P.S. Do you know anyone that enjoys high-quality, truth-seeking local journalism? Then forward this email to them. You can help us this way too. 
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