TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
DC Election Debrief & Charting The Way Forward November Meetup: Wed, November 11, 7pm – 9pm With Ed Lazere, Dyana Forester (President, DC Metro Council) & Makia Green, DCWFP Organizer
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, November 12, 1pm – 2pm WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online This week's guest: DC City Councilmember Elissa Silverman discusses extended UI benefits, troubleshooting and latest issues/errors, and the upcoming oversight hearing to continue following up on outstanding DOES issues.
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, November 12, 6pm – 8pm Meeting for union members and community allies in Arlington
Shenandoah Valley Labor/Community Alliance: Thu, November 12, 7:30pm – 8:30pm Meeting for union members and community allies in the Shenandoah Valley
Labor Podcast Weekly: Labor Network livestream highlights: Shuler, Meyerson & Cohen AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Liz Shuler, American Prospect Editor At Large Harold Meyerson and former CWA president Larry Cohen share their unique and unfiltered points of view on the first-ever livestream broadcasts last week by the Labor Radio Podcast Network as it covered the 2020 election from labor’s point of view.
Insulators 24 brings new life to old buildingInsulators Local 24 needed more training space. But when they started to look around for a new building, the cost was prohibitive. Then a construction consultant “came and met with us here,” Local 24 Business Manager Brian Cavey told Laurel TV. “And we walked outside and walked around and he said ‘Why don't you expand here?’” And that’s exactly what Local 24 wound up doing, adding 5,000 square feet to the union’s building, which once housed Laurel’s volunteer department in the town’s historic district. Now Local 24 has the extra classroom space they needed, plus they renovated the office spaces and the union’s meeting hall. “We went from chalkboards to smart boards,” says Local 24 Apprenticeship Director Jim Hoose. Click here to find out more about Local 24 and their apprenticeship programs.
Union vets’ solidarity “I found a way through the military to gain that dignity and became a soldier, a leader. But when I came home, I found myself as that poor kid again in Southern Illinois because the economy was completely rigged against me. And I found myself struggling after serving multiple deployments in Iraq and serving my nation, leading soldiers until I found a welding program, I became a union pipefitter (and) my life got changed.” That’s Will Attig, Executive Director of the Union Veterans Council, interviewed on the AFL-CIO’s State of the Unions podcast. “There's a lot of similarities between military service and the labor movement, and I think that's one of the reasons why we see our veterans succeeding (and) thriving in the labor movement.” At the Union Veterans Council, “I want to be able to give the tools and the platforms to union veterans, to be able to advocate for themselves.” Find out more at or @unionveterans on Twitter.
Today’s Labor Quote: Will Attig
“This is a time that labor is on the move, and this is not a time to sit back. This is the time to get into direct action, to not only support labor, but to tell the world about what we are and what we do, because it's amazing.”
Today's Labor History
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Blue Wave? Labor and the Democratic coalition in the Southwest The Democrats may have won the 2020 presidential election with historic victories in southern states ranging from Georgia to Arizona, but have they created the kind of interracial labor coalition required to win the ongoing economic and ideological battles that did not end on election day? Historian Max Krochmal, author of “Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era” sees a lot of unfulfilled potential to bring young social movement organizations into the mainstream of American politics. Plus: Dorothy Day is born. Last week’s show: Organizing through the Divide
Haymarket martyrs hanged, convicted in the bombing deaths of eight police during a Chicago labor rally - 1887
A confrontation between American Legionnaires and Wobblies during an Armistice Day Parade in Centralia, Wash. results in six deaths. One Wobbly reportedly was beaten, his teeth bashed in with a rifle butt, castrated and hanged: local officials listed his death as a suicide - 1919
57 crewmen on three freighters die over a three-day period when their ships sink during a huge storm over Lake Michigan - 1940
- David Prosten
Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; click here!
Administrative Senior Regional Administrative Specialist (2 positions) – AFL-CIO Political, Electoral and Issues Mobilization Hub, for covering the East Region & the West Region (Posted: 10/27/2020) Accounting Clerk I, UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union) (Posted: 11/3/2020) Staff Accountant – Finance Department, AFGE (Posted: 11/5/2020)
Information Tech Software Engineer, UFR (United for Respect) (Posted: 11/2/2020)
Legal 2021 Summer Legal Internships, NELP (National Employment Law Project) (Posted: 10/29/2020)
Misc National Representative – District 14, AFGE (Posted: 10/29/2020) Executive Assistant – EARN Team, EPI (Economic Policy Institute) (currently REMOTE) (Posted: 10/30/2020) Learning Community Coordinator – EARN Team, EPI (Economic Policy Institute) (Posted: 10/30/2020) Senior State Economic Analyst – EARN Team, EPI (Economic Policy Institute) (currently REMOTE) (Posted: 10/30/2020) Senior State Policy Coordinator – EIMW, EPI (Economic Policy Institute) (Posted: 10/30/2020) Senior State Policy Coordinator – EPI (Economic Policy Institute) Worker Power Project, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 10/30/2020) Marketing and Sponsorship Administrator, NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association) (Posted: 10/27/2020) Union Staff (Posted: 11/1/2020) NNU (National Nurses United) (National search) National Negotiator or Assistant Counsel – Negotiations, NTEU (National Treasury Employees Union) (Posted: 11/2/2020) SMART Membership and Skills Video, Journey level and Apprenticeship opportunities, SMART (The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers) (Posted: 11/1/2020) Union Representative, WBNG (Washington-Baltimore News Guild) (Posted: 10/27/2020)
Organizing Field Representative (Organizer), ACE-AFSCME Local 2250; email cover letter/resume to Field Representative, ACE-AFSCME Local 2250; email cover letter/resume to
Political Legislative Advocate, NNU (National Nurses United) (Posted: 11/1/2020)
Research Research Assistant – Revolving Door Project, CEPR (Center for Economic and Policy Research) (Posted: 11/10/2020) Research Assistant – EARN Team, EPI (Economic Policy Institute) (currently REMOTE) (Posted: 10/30/2020)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today’s Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.