Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

US Presidential Election: Open Your Eyes!

Thierry Meyssan

Powerful Presidents Are Incompatible With Liberty

Ron Paul

US Color Revolution: The Not So Phantom Menace

Thomas Luongo

The New York Times Attacks Putin for Not Interfering in the US Electoral Process

Andrew E. Kramer

Stop the Vote-Steal, Stop the Biden Plan For Federal Slavery

Jon Rappoport

Does the Military Defend Our First Amendment Freedoms?

Laurence M. Vance

Joe Biden Wants To Hire 100,000 ‘Culturally Competent’ Contact Tracers

Kyle Olsen

What Would George Patton Do?

Jay Valentine

Biden Will Have the Most Diverse, Intersectional Cabinet of Mass Murderers Ever Assembled

Caitlin Johnstone

The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History

Paul Craig Roberts

Will Georgia Halt the Radicals’ Revolution?

Patrick J. Buchanan

More Than 80% of Covid Patients Are Vitamin D Deficient

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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