PFAW Member -- New reporting by the New York Times further corroborates sexual misconduct allegations made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh before he was confirmed to his seat, in what was perhaps the most corrupt Supreme Court confirmation process in history. In addition, the Times report introduces a new incident, also at Yale, involving a different woman. Kavanaugh’s entire confirmation process was a SHAM. And the ones who need to be held accountable for it, in addition to Trump – so this kind of unfit nominee can never again be rammed through in such a corrupt manner – are the U.S. senators who shirked their constitutional duty and rammed Kavanaugh’s confirmation through. In response to this weekend’s news about Kavanaugh and the distressing corruption of the Senate’s “advice and consent” by Republicans, the next $25,000 in donations to PFAW’s Take Back the Senate Fund will be 300% MATCHED for the next 48 hours! Anyone with a minimally functional bullshit detector who watched the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings KNEW that Brett Kavanaugh repeatedly lied under oath throughout the process – about his record in the George W. Bush White House, about his experiences as a rowdy, hard-drinking youth, and about his encounters with the women who bravely came forward to tell their stories of sexual harassment and assault. But these new reports add even more evidence, and with the House Judiciary Committee pursuing documents from the National Archives that were intentionally buried by Republicans during the Kavanaugh confirmation fight, we can expect even more corroborating evidence to emerge that will bolster what we already know: Kavanaugh is, and always was, unfit for the Court and his confirmation process -- from the way it was handled by the Republican majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the completely phony White House and Senate Republican-directed ‘investigation’ by the FBI into the sexual assault allegations against the nominee – was an unacceptable travesty. So what do we do now to ensure 1) NO MORE KAVANAUGHS and 2) that Republicans don’t get away with what they did to cover up Kavanaugh’s record and ram his confirmation through (and that they can’t do it again)? We boot them out of office, that’s what! If you chip in to our Take Back the Senate Fund today to take the fight to the Republican senators who rubber-stamped Kavanaugh’s confirmation your donation will be 300% MATCHED by generous PFAW supporters! So, our message to Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, Thom Tillis, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, and the rest of the Trump Republicans who were so eager to rubber stamp a totally unfit liar for the Supreme Court is simple: You’re on notice. And while we might not unseat all of you, we’re going to defeat enough of you to flip the Senate to Democratic majority control and END Trump’s and your assault on our Supreme Court, the entire Judicial Branch, and the American Way. Are you with us? Then chip in now to have your donation to Take Back the Senate TRIPLE MATCHED!>> Thank you for all you do. -- Ben Betz, Digital Advocacy Director