Fellow Conservative,
Today, I’m writing to call on you to defend America’s heritage.
America’s great heritage is under attack from a cultural revolution of far-left extremists who are pushing their radical agenda in an attempt to break down all we cherish and know to be true. They sow the seeds of fear, disorder, violence, and hatred.
They use the powerful weapon of “cancel culture” to destroy any brave person who stands against them—getting that person fired and excommunicated from society just for disagreeing with them.
And they use your silence as consent and momentum to propel them forward, unopposed.
These radicals aim to rewrite history and destroy what you know to be true about our founding and American history. Why? To reshape it to fit their ideals.
Enough is enough.
We will find strength in numbers. We must band together to protect each other and our American heritage from “cancel culture”. Together, we are stronger and cannot be defeated by the angry horde.
For this reason, we've put together this pledge to stop the Left’s socialist agenda and are looking for 100,000 people to sign the pledge to defend the country they love.
Will you stand up for America’s heritage today? We are under attack, and we must band together to mount a strong enough defense to protect the truth about America for another generation.
Will you read the pledge and consider signing it today?
Use this link to sign your Pledge today:
Please also forward this email to anyone that you believe will stand alongside you and others within this community pledging itself to defend America today.
Thank you.
Kay C. James