Yes, the election is over, but the work continues! We have tons of great events coming up this month. Come join us to learn more about CCL's mission, environmental justice, spend time with fellow CCL'rs, and plan for the future at our virtual conference!
CCL Monthly Speaker:
Tia Nelson, Outrider Foundation
CCL holds a webinar with a climate expert to provide new insights every month. Join this virtual watch-party with the DC chapter to expand your climate outlook! This month, we'll be joined by Tia Nelson, Managing Director of the Outrider Foundation. At the age of 13, Tia Nelson spent the first Earth Day cleaning up trash with her junior high classmates. She went on to follow in the environmental footsteps of her father, Sen. Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day, the historic event that ushered in a new era of awareness and action for our environment. Now the Managing Director for the Outrider Foundation, which works to end the threat of nuclear war and reverse the course of global climate change, Tia joins this month's call in the aftermath of a momentous election. She'll share the lessons she learned from her father and offer perspective on the state of the climate movement based on her many years of working on that issue.
After this month's speaker, Tia Nelson, join the CCL DC chapter's monthly meeting to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!
Climate Advocate Training
and Q&A Session with CCL DC
Twice a month, CCL National offers a Climate Advocate Training (CAT), an in-depth introduction to CCL for new volunteers and a useful refresher on "Everything CCL" for CCL veterans. This month, CCL DC is offering our own session that will be led by local chapter leaders! Following the CAT, we will hold a Q&A session where experienced CCL'rs in DC can answer questions for new and intermediate members about the DC chapter and CCL in general.
Each month, CCL DC discusses a book related to climate and broader environmental issues. This month, CCL DC will be discussing Black Faces, White Spaces by Carolyn Finney, an insightful text that explores who may feel welcome in the outdoors and why.
Why are African Americans so underrepresented when it comes to interest in nature, outdoor recreation, and environmentalism? In this thought-provoking study, Carolyn Finney looks beyond the discourse of the environmental justice movement to examine how the natural environment has been understood, commodified, and represented by both white and black Americans. Bridging the fields of environmental history, cultural studies, critical race studies, and geography, Finney argues that the legacies of slavery, Jim Crow, and racial violence have shaped cultural understandings of the "great outdoors" and determined who should and can have access to natural spaces.
Registration is now open for our December Conference!
The will to solve climate change is growing. 2021 could present historic opportunities for climate solutions, and CCL is preparing to move forward. At this conference, we'll take a look at the road ahead and plan for the future while staying true to our roots and building on our past successes. John Wood and Hahrie Han will discuss what the 2020 Presidential and Congressional election results mean for climate policy in 2021, and CCL's Dr. Danny Richter will share key elements of CCL's 2021 strategy based on the election.
What: CCL Virtual Conference: United We Move When: Saturday, December 5, 1-5pm EST
through Sunday, December 6, starting at 1pm More details and register for the conference here:
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CCL volunteers have the opportunity to connect remotely with their member of Congress during our December Virtual Lobby Days! Meetings will be scheduled with Senate and House offices throughout the week of December 7-11. All meeting team assignments will be handled by the local CCL DC team -- email Emilyto learn more.
For more information about CCL primary and supporting asks in advance of the December Conference, join CCL's Lobby Training #2 on November 19!