
Today — thanks to the Trump administration and Washington Republicans — the Supreme Court heard arguments in a lawsuit that could overturn the Affordable Care Act and strip life-saving care from millions of people with pre-existing conditions.

It’s outrageous.

I ran my campaign on the promise that I would fight like heck to protect your health care and expand access to affordable coverage. You can bet I’ll keep that promise.

We cannot allow Republicans to sabotage our health care system and kick folks with pre-existing conditions to the curb — especially during a pandemic.

Please, sign my emergency petition to demand Washington Republicans end their crusade against our health care. We must uphold the Affordable Care Act and protect coverage for folks with pre-existing conditions.

Sign your name

It’s pretty clear by now that instead of helping the people they were elected to represent, Washington Republicans only care about their self-interests. At a time when struggling families are losing their health care, we should be fighting for more access to health care — not less.

We cannot give up on this fight — not with so much on the line.

Thank you for signing,
