This fight is never over.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


The people of Texas have spoken. And unfortunately, we didn’t make it.

But if you think this is the last you’ll hear of me, think again. The fight to build a better East Texas is an ongoing one. And I plan to stay in it for many, many years to come.

Pitch in $5 to help us show Louie Gohmert we’re not going anywhere and help us pay off our debt. We’re closing out this campaign, but the work continues >>>

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me throughout this crazy campaign journey. We’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but in the end we stuck together and made an impact that we haven’t felt in East Texas in a very long time.

The people are hungry for change. And I am ready to keep standing shoulder to shoulder with you to build a stronger future for East Texas.

Thanks again for everything, and God bless you.

Hank Gilbert

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