Greetings John

Channeling Lizzo as we tap into your goodness early and then… not for a good long time!

Hear us out...

We know, you’ve barely put away the Halloween skeletons and the Trump punching bag, but believe it or not, it’s already fundraising season, and this is an awkward email hitting you up for cash like your least favorite sibling. 

But UNLIKE a deadbeat relative, we double promise, pinky swear, we will even send over some blood promises, that if you donate TODAY, You won’t get another email asking for money from AAF for the rest of the year! 

Yep, we are that nice. We also will never move into your guest room and polish off your Trader Joe’s chocolate covered pretzels and deny it with self-righteous indignation.

All you need to do is donate before Giving Tuesday (12/1) and Voila! We won’t bug you the rest of the month! 

Listen, we know this year has been rough (UNDERSTATEMENT) and the Election was a lot (UNDER-IER UNDERSTATEMENT), but we’re resolved. We know that even though we now have a president-elect more friendly to reproductive rights that the current ORC-upant in the White House, there is still an overcrowed shitty cigar bar full of  unmasked politicians, and Supreme Court Justices, just itching to get back to work to destroying abortion access and we are ready to fight them head on! 

And that’s what you LOVE about AAF, right? And how do we stay so fresh fighting all these years? We stay organized! We stay focused! We stay hydrated - wait, is wine hydrating? Nevermind….We have a lot of work ahead in 2021 (our 6th year!!) and need your support to see us through. 

So hoping you can drop us a donation before December 1st.  That way, you can have one less thing on your busy plate.

Take care, stay well, and thanks for sticking with AAF!!!

Don't forget to check us out on social!

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