Dear John,
Take action: Tell the Army Corps industrial fish farms pose danger to our oceans.
Marine mammals are in danger! Take action to save marine wildlife.
The Army Corps of Engineers is preparing to streamline permitting to place industrial ocean fish farms across the US. These floating factory farms will pollute our waters with pesticides and chemicals.
Industrial fish farms threaten marine life like sea turtles, native fish, and whales. They will harm public health and local economies. So we’re counting on you to use your voice and stop the Army Corps from fast-tracking these facilities along all of our precious coasts.
Tell the Army Corps of Engineers to protect marine life from floating factory farms!
Industrial ocean fish farms contain hundreds of thousands of farmed fish that can spill into the surrounding ocean. These facilities pollute the water with untreated fish waste, excess feed, agricultural drugs and pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals.
They spread disease and pests, threaten wildlife, and are putting responsible seafood producers out of business.
But instead of cracking down on this harmful industry, the federal government has poured resources into supporting floating factory farms.
Can we count on you, John, to demand officials protect our waters -- not handing them over to mega-corporations and factory farms?
Take action now: Tell the Army Corps to put our oceans and marine life before corporate profits!
Our ocean ecosystem is interconnected and fragile. It takes careful planning and serious policies to ensure that our marine environments are protected from dangerous industrialization. Building this dirty, polluting industry in our waters would backtrack decades of progress. And it would only benefit factory farm mega-corporations -- at the expense of the environment and public health.
Rather than throw its support behind floating factory farms in the ocean, our government should build more support for sustainable seafood production alternatives. But the Army Corps will only slow down the expansion of floating factory farms if it feels immense grassroots pressure from folks like you. Can we count on your support?
Tell the Army Corps to keep floating factory farms out of our public waters!
Standing with you,
Hallie Templeton,
Senior oceans campaigner,
Friends of the Earth