The Supreme Court is now hearing arguments for Republican-led California v. Texas, a case that attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- and with Trump’s 6-3 majority on the court, the GOP might just get its wish to strip millions of their health care.
Democrats knew this could happen, and they’ve prepared. Joe Biden has proposed a health care plan he referred to as ‘Bidencare’ that aims to expand on ACA protections if the legislation falls.
Biden’s plan would insure at least 97% of Americans, lower the Medicare eligibility age to 60, and allow Americans to buy medicine from other countries if pharmaceutical companies spiked prices in the states. Most importantly, the plan would provide a public health insurance option with lower premiums to compete with private plans.
Republicans have already tried to undermine Biden’s comprehensive health plan as radical “socialized medicine.” We know that many countries have successfully implemented similar health care policies to the great benefit of their citizens, but today we need to know where you stand on changing our country’s approach to health care:
Do you support Bidencare?
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A Woman’s Place

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