Dear John,

Governments are spending more money than ever before and we need your help to stop them from wasting your tax dollars on corporate welfare for Bombardier and other multinational aerospace corporations.

The aerospace industry is asking for its own multi-billion-dollar special bailout. And while they haven’t put a final price tag on it yet, it’s bound to be expensive.

In their asks, they’ve referenced the $26-billion and $50-billion bailout packages the French and American governments have respectively given to their own aerospace industries.
Now, let’s be clear, it’s far from the first time multinational aerospace manufacturers have taken taxpayers for a ride.

Bombardier got $373 million in federal taxpayers cash a few years ago and then doled out $33 million dollars in bonuses to its executives.

And Bombardier is far from alone in doing this. Over the last decade, the so-called Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative took about two billion dollars from Canadian taxpayers and sent it straight into the coffers of large multinational aerospace corporations.

Taxpayers can’t afford to keep bailing out aircraft manufacturers every couple of years.

Canada is already running the largest deficit of all G20 member countries, at nearly 20 per cent of GDP.
That’s already going to be expensive enough to pay back in future years without adding billions more because aerospace has its hand out.

Help us fight back so taxpayers aren’t stuck with a larger bill than they already are.

Please sign our petition telling the federal government not to bail out aircraft manufacturers such as Bombardier:

Thank you for all you do.
- Renaud, Todd, Shannon and the entire CTF team

PS: Unlike the aerospace industry, the CTF has never taken a dime in government subsidies. We rely exclusively on the generous support of taxpayers like you across the country. Help us keep fighting the good fight by making a donation today:

PPS: When you see the drive through lines, it’s hard to believe anyone could lose money running a Timmies, but governments have done it. You can hear all about it on the Canadian Taxpayers Podcast. Subscribe for free through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and many other podcast providers. Or just click this LINK.

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