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CAP coordinates in crisis
2020 Immigration Film Fest set for this weekend
Union Voice/Readers Write: Where's Kamala?
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
[link removed] Loudoun County Labor Caucus: Tue, November 10, 5pm - 6pm
Labor Podcast Weekly: [link removed] Labor Network livestream highlights: Shuler, Meyerson & Cohen
AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Liz Shuler, American Prospect Editor At Large Harold Meyerson and former CWA president Larry Cohen share their unique and unfiltered points of view on the first-ever livestream broadcasts last week by the Labor Radio Podcast Network as it covered the 2020 election from labor's point of view.
CAP coordinates in crisis
When it comes to unemployment claims in the District of Columbia, "People need to know how to file and what to file," Claimant Advocacy Program director Tonya Love told the Washington Lawyer. CAP is included in the [link removed] article on pro bono services, all of which are under extraordinary pressure during the COVID outbreak. Regardless, the organizations are working together to ensure that their responses are coordinated, efficient and effective. "It's about trying to educate and inform," Love said.
2020 Immigration Film Fest set for this weekend
This year's [link removed] Immigration Film Fest, which will be held virtually via Zoom, starts this Friday and runs through Sunday. It launches Friday night with Sewing Resilience, the Garment Worker Mothers of Los Angeles, and the line-up includes a number of shorts. [link removed] Click here for the schedule and registration information. Now in its sixth year, the festival's goal is "to tell the story of global immigration through the art form of film and to humanize the plight of immigrants and refugees by sharing their stories."
Union Voice/Readers Write: Where's Kamala?
"Wow, no photo of the first woman to be elected VP of the US ([link removed] Labor celebrates Biden-Harris win 11/9 UC)," writes Elise Bryant, president of the [link removed] Coalition of Labor Union Women. "I'm surprised. Here's a lovely shot of them together."
Today's Labor Quote: Jeremy Brecher
"The sit-down idea spread so rapidly because it dramatized a simple powerful act, that no social institution can run without the cooperation of those whose activity make it up."
Brecher is author of the book "[link removed] Strike."
Today's Labor History
This week's [link removed] Labor History Today podcast: Blue Wave? Labor and the Democratic coalition in the Southwest
The Democrats may have won the 2020 presidential election with historic victories in southern states ranging from Georgia to Arizona, but have they created the kind of interracial labor coalition required to win the ongoing economic and ideological battles that did not end on election day? Historian Max Krochmal, author of "Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era" sees a lot of unfulfilled potential to bring young social movement organizations into the mainstream of American politics. Plus: Dorothy Day is born. Last week's show: [link removed] Organizing through the Divide
Sit-down strike begins at Austin, Minn. Hormel plant with the help of a Wobbly organizer, leading to the creation of the Independent Union of All Workers. Labor historians believe this may have been the first sit-down strike of the 1930s. Workers held the plant for three days, demanding a wage increase. The governor mediated a settlement - 1933
The ship Edmund Fitzgerald - the biggest carrier on the Great Lakes - and crew of 29 are lost in a storm on Lake Superior while carrying ore from Superior, Wisc. to Detroit. The cause of the sinking was never established - 1975
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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