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The Church of England could make a historic change to traditional teaching on sexuality in less than two years after bishops promised that decisions on issues that have riven the church for decades would be taken in 2022.
A British charity worker has been accused of stoking tension and community resentment by campaigning for a boycott of French products following the beheading of a teacher.
Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz of Wrocław has been banned by the Vatican from public ministry, public appearances, and the use of priestly insignia. NSS president Keith Porteous Wood is quoted.
A French imam who condemned the recent terror attacks has appealed to Emmanuel Macron for increased police protection after receiving 'thousands' of death threats.
Female genital mutilation is already prohibited in Finland, but a citizens' initiative had called for a separate law. The Legal Affairs Committee's report also contained two objections related to the non-medical circumcision of boys.
A trial began on Monday alleging dozens of journalists, editors and media companies breached an Australia-wide court suppression order in reporting on ex-Vatican treasurer George Pell's child sex abuse conviction in 2018.
The church was given a key role on the board of our local multi-academy trust – even though there were no faith schools in it. Chris Leng questions the assumptions which lay behind this arrangement.
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