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Dignity & Power NOW
With more than 57% of the vote, our communities, grassroots organizations and coalitions like JusticeLA and Dignity and Power Nowpassed Measure J and said yes to investing in health care, jobs, and housing! Measure J allowed our communities to re-imagine what L.A. County could be if we addressed racial injustices and provided real solutions to help Black, Brown, and low-income communities. 

#YesonJ. Let's keep the momentum alive.
Grassroots Power that includes a list of organizations, such as Dignity and Power Nowwon again by defeating Prop 25, a system that would add to mass incarceration and keep innocent people locked up with fewer ways to be released. The No on Prop 25 campaign beat the odds to WIN a pivotal fight to #EndPretrialRacism and #EndMassIncarceration.
#NoOn25. Yes to People Power.
On TUESDAY, November 10th at 9:30AM PT, the Board of Supervisors will be voting on a motion that begins the implementation process. They will also be voting on motions to support Sheriff accountability, housing, COVID-19 relief, Measure R implementation, AB1185, and victim services
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