
Last week, the American people made a clear choice: former Vice President Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. In a democracy, the voters decide and the people have spoken. 

Donald Trump, however, has never been one to respect democracy or our Constitution. Days after the election was called for Biden, Trump still refuses to concede that he has lost his bid for a second term. He continues to make false allegations of voter fraud and has falsely declared victory. His all-out attack on our electoral system is inciting his violent supporters and disrespecting the will of the people. Trump is attempting to steal an election that he has already lost.

Sign if you agree: Trump must concede and make plans to vacate the White House, just as every one-term president before him has done.

The post-Trump era must begin with a peaceful transfer of power, but we cannot trust that Trump will exit willingly. In order to ensure a just and democratic transfer of power, Congress must use every political, procedural, and legal tool available to them to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

Sign the petition: Trump must immediately concede and stop trying to steal a free and fair election from the American people.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

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