Housing and Homelessness After the Elections: Opportunities and Challenges 
The 2020 Election will change the political landscape for housing and homelessness advocates at the federal, state, and local levels. There will be new opportunities to move us toward the human right to housing and greater equity across race, gender, and ability lines. But there will also be places we will need to defend against policies that will take us further from the goal of housing justice.
Join us Thursday, November 19th to hear from a diverse panel of experts on what advocates should be on the lookout for in 2021, and how you can get engaged!
Panelists include:
  • Sarah Fox, Director of Advocacy and Community Impact, Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness (CCEH)
  • Jane Nguyen, Co-Founder of KTwon for All
  • Eric Tars, Legal Director, National Homelessness Law Center
  • Additional speakers to come
To view previous webinars and see planned ones, please visit nlchp.org/resources/webinars/. Even if you cannot attend at the broadcast time, if you register you will automatically receive a link to the recorded version.
This biweekly webinar series will share the actions and legal strategies needed to ensure a right to housing both during the COVID-19 and moving forward. Keep an eye out for future themes and speakers! 
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Address postal inquiries to:
National Homelessness Law Center (formerly the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty)
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036