NOVEMBER 9, 2020
Kuttner on TAP
Ron Klain Is Likely Biden Chief of Staff
President-elect Biden is likely to name a chief of staff as early as this week. Favored for the job is his former chief of staff, Ron Klain, who had that post from 2009 to 2011 when Biden served as vice president.

One qualification that gives Klain the edge is that he served as President Obama’s Ebola response coordinator in 2014–2015, not a bad qualification during the current pandemic.

Another is that Klain is far more acceptable to progressives than Wall Street–afflicted members of Biden’s inner circle such as Steve Ricchetti or more conservative senior advisers like Jeff Zients, CEO of the Cranemere holding company, or former Democratic Leadership Council leader Bruce Reed.

As Biden continues his posture of assuming the role of president-elect despite Trump’s non-concession, expect more announcements of senior appointments soon.

This is smart as well as statesmanlike. It both reminds Americans of what a competent chief executive looks like, and adds to a politics of inevitability.

The more Biden behaves like a president-elect presuming a normal transition, the less stomach Republicans will have for going down with Trump’s sinking ship.

Biden Poised to Name Ron Klain, Janet Yellen to Key Positions
Klain favored as White House chief of staff; Yellen as Treasury secretary BY ROBERT KUTTNER
Hope Lives in Georgia
Why Democrats winning two Senate races and taking control of the chamber isn’t totally far-fetched BY DAVID DAYEN
Corporate Democrats Are Rural America’s Biggest Losers
Recent defeats make clear that being close to Big Ag is no way to win elections. BY JAKE DAVIS & BRYCE OATES
Donna Shalala Encapsulated Pelosi’s Embrace of Passivity as a Strategy
The Florida congresswoman who lost her re-election battle did nothing to oversee or challenge the Trump administration. BY ELEANOR EAGAN
Deported Cameroonian Asylum Seekers Fear for Their Lives
Those sent back to Cameroon on October 13 had their papers confiscated, and at least two have been arrested. BY JOE PENNEY & CHRISTIAN LOCKA
Unsanitized: Vaccine News Should Make People More Cautious of COVID
Plus, Biden kicks off his task force. This is The COVID-19 Daily Report for November 9, 2020. BY DAVID DAYEN

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