This is our last chance to save the Second Amendment.


America needs you.

If President Trump loses his legal battle as he fights to uncover fraud in the 2020 election, the U.S. Senate will be our only hope of stopping the Biden Administration from DESTROYING the Second Amendment.

The fate of the Senate will be decided by the TWO upcoming run-off elections in Georgia.

If we lose them, we lose our right to keep and bear arms. END OF STORY.

Please make a contribution to Gun Owners of America’s Political Victory Fund to help us win the Georgia run-off elections to ensure that the Senate stands as a firewall against a Vice President Kamala Harris.







This is the anti-gun agenda that a Biden-Harris Administration wants to enact:

  • 🚨Registration and eventual confiscation of so-called “weapons of war” -- a category arbitrarily decided by Kamala
  • 🚨Expanding Red Flag Gun Grabs
  • 🚨Creating universal registration background checks
  • 🚨Raising the minimum age to buy a gun
  • 🚨Supporting handgun bans as constitutional
  • 🚨Mandatory “buyback” programs
  • 🚨Packing the courts with scores of anti-gun judges

With the Democrats’ proposal to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate, they would just need a simple majority to pass each and every item on Kamala’s wish list.

We MUST retain control of the Senate -- our last line of defense against the destruction of our God-given rights.

Please make a contribution to Gun Owners of America’s Political Victory Fund to help us win the Georgia run-off elections to ensure that the Senate stands as a firewall against a Vice President Kamala Harris.

In Liberty,

Tim Macy
GOA Political Victory Fund

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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